Saturday, October 25, 2008

Versus them (again)

First, do not tell me that HSM3 started its run yesterday. Worthless piece of shit, go waste celluloid and talent on something else!

Second, someone should declare a full day holidae on the 31st of October and November 3. Besides, we need some more holidaes since we're too fucked physically, economically, etceterally. Please, Madame President.

Nobody cares about some has-been government official, who'll be coming in from Chi Town (Chicago, Illinois for those who aren't fluent in Urban Dictionary-ish terms) anytime next week. (Unless you have something up your ass, you are anti-Gloria [or rabidly anti-Gloria, or plain commie], or you're just a total asshole.) And if you do, hope you don't get your head blown for thinking too much about that double joke.

Third, I did something on my other blog in Friendster, and it was brief yet incendienary (I think) and it had something to do about dissing people and challenging some persons' sexual orientation. (call it speculation, call it sumthin', but don't call your lawyers)

Let's go to some serious issues. The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting poorer, and the smart ones (and the less panicky ones) are getting kinda rich. Do you know groups of people wh are getting rich as of this moment?

Yes, and they're called jeepney and tricycle and bus drivers and operators. Everytime we ride on a public utility vehicle (excluding trains and light rail systems), someone will either disregard discounts mandated by law, practice obstructionism despite efforts to control them (pinkish or otherwise), pollute our roads with their gas guzzling machines and playing crappy, 70's-80's crap [or worse, in one of the between 5 to 10 stations catering to the CDEFG class], and provide corrupt cops with more money and some financial incentives to fuck up road users, even if one is at the wheel, a backseat driver, or just a passenger. Better rollback your fares before Christmas, cause gas prices are going down.

Fuck you Meralco, and suck Juan de la Cruz' cock. Never hike electricity rates until you dickheads take out unnecessary shit like Transmission, System Loss, and Universal Charges. Double up Distribution and hope you can have fellatio fun with it. For everything else, keep it low, and pay cash with it. And please, don't give me the same bullshit that you tried to do with melting ice. [If one has a chiller/cooler/freezer that is extremely portable, you can prevent that kind of "systems loss". Looks like no one in the Reaserch and Development department checked this out. Because they think that ordinary Filipinos are gullible dumbasses.]

Going global (Just a boatlift across the Pacific puddle), there are men marrying men and women marrying women. What is wrong with this picture? Looks like the Governor in one of America's well known state is concerned with either their economic situation, the environment, trouble south of San Diego, and one or two forest fires. He should look at this. He is a father to 2 children (I think), and happily married to a relative of the illustrious Kennedys of Massachusetts. (And it's ironic that I'm listening to Diddy's I Need A Girl, Pt. 1 while doing this part.) However, even if the Governor of the State of California (To be honest, I have to copy from Wikipedia fhis name, but it costs bandwidth and a "You have a new message" popup) doesn't have a say on it and various persons, organizations and companies want to kill Proposition 8 with airtime, advertising and donations, I believe that Prop 8 will pass, even if with a small majority.

Even if a youthful African-American gets to enact his promises of change, hopefully, the laws regarding matrimony will NOT be changed. Especially for a place like California.

But for the Philippines, we hope for more drastic, and more crucial changes just to save our nation's ass. Although Barack Obama is likely to win, I'm supporting John McCain for the '08 Elections (big clue: Country First.)

For now, let me enjoy some music from my computer until my mother tells me to turn it off (in an hour or so), and enjoy your weekend, and your life. Go check out T. I.'s Whatever You like. Although it might sound old to you, It's better than his newer single Live Your life (with Rihanna) since the former song's beat, tunes, and lyrics (the dirty version) appeal to me than the other song. Beat the apocalypse on November 16. WHy? tell you later. Way later.

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